I Hope this finds you all well. Today as I reread day 1 for about the 30th time there were still parts that really spoke to me. Often we ask a lot of "why" questions in life. Warren answers this in a way by saying "God has not left us in the dark to wonder and guess. He has clearly revealed his five purposes for our lives through the Bible. It is our Owner's Manual, explaining why we are alive, how life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in the future." (Page 20)
I also read a little bit of Day 1 to a friend in the hospital a few months ago and just the title of the chapter really hit me "It all starts with God." I think if we could live in that way we could have a world that really works together.
The question to consider today on page 21 is "In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?"
So much of adverstising continues to sound like the phrase from a familiar ad "Have it Your Way." During these last couple days of Lent maybe we can ponder on what it would be like to live "God's Way."
Have a great day. Let me hear your thoughts. Grace and Peace, John