Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day 12

As I was reading Day 12 I started thinking about the different friendships that have developed in my life. Each of the friendships didn’t just happen overnight but over a period of time. I think that is where Warren is going as he starts off, “You are as close to God as you choose to be. Like any friendship, you must work at developing your friendship with God. It won’t happen by accident. It takes desire, time, and energy.” (Page 92)

Take some time today to think about your friendships and the points Warren makes about a friendship with God:

I must choose to be honest with God.
I must choose to obey God in faith.
I must choose to value what God values.
I must desire friendship with God more than anything else.

Spend some time in prayer with this question in mind: “What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?” (Page 99)

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